Construction Contract Template – Protect Your Company With a Contract

As a contractor you know your job well and starting your own business may be a lifelong dream, however no matter how good you are at your job, there always exists the possibility of a problem occurring or a customer complaining that you did not do what they asked you to do. The best way to reduce the risks of this type of situation occurring is to perform flawless work and to create an ironclad construction contract with a template that both you and you customer must sign before you begin working on their project.
Any time you write out a contract for this type of work it must be very specific in every possible detail before being singed. You need to include information that covers exactly what you are contracting to do, you have no room for any type of vagaries as these can Free Cabin Plans With Material List end up coming back to haunt you. At the same time you will need to include a list of the materials you plan to use for the project as a part of the contract, while this may need to be amended as the project progresses it can be used for the original estimate.
Any time you sign a contract with your customer, you are entering into a legally binding obligation. While you might think that this applies only to making sure that you do the job you have been hired to do, it does much more. The negotiated contract also protects you from your customer. For example, you Best Construction Niche contracted to build a new room on the back of your customer’s house that is twelve feet long and ten feet wide. Once it is finished the customer refuses to pay stating he ordered a room that was 15 feet by ten feet, as long as you have it in a written contract the courts will order him to pay your bill.
Whether you are working on a small home remodeling project or a multimillion dollar hotel building you must make sure you and your company are fully protected. By creating a legally binding construction contract using a template that both you and your client sign you will have legal protection in case any questions should arise. These templates can easily be found online, you need to make sure that the one you download is applicable to your state and locals laws or you may find that it will not offer you the protection that it should.

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