Are You Unemployed Due to the Collapse of the Construction Industry? Please Consider Your Options

In today’s economic crisis one of the hardest hit groups of people are construction workers. I recently read an article By Kevin O’Leary in where he states that the national unemployment rate fell to 9.7% in January 2010, but in construction it jumped to 24.7% from 18.7% in October. These are frustrating times for any of us that have devoted our lives to building, no matter which trade we are in.
I have been in construction all of my life. I started in the Masonry Trade as a Bricklayer in 1971. I am out of work right now as the result of an injury from falling off of a ladder in June of 2009. This recovery has been tough physically, but the emotional challenge of realizing that when I do recover, “will there be any jobs to go to?” is a real fear I am facing.
Let’s take a good look at our options to create income to support our families.
The Unemployment Benefits Option is a Possibility.
The option of collecting Unemployment has been created as a short term solution. We all know that for sure. This is a Hgtv Decorators process that is frustrating to say the least. I often wonder, how long will this continue to be available to people?
Government Aid is another choice.
I have never been in a position to ask for food stamps or welfare. I can only imagine how difficult this would be. These programs are meant to be entered into Subcontractor Vs Service Provider as short term solutions. The problem is that it makes you depend on the government to provide your needs. Again, as with unemployment, how long can this last?
Starting Your Own Business might be a solution.
You might be looking at this option and thinking, “yeah right, in this economy how would that work!” Well let me tell you something. Anything is possible. How many hours do you have in the day? You have the same amount as anyone else. It’s your choice how you use them.
Sometimes life hands us situations that are beyond our control. As construction workers we all know this too well. Even in good times we still cope with weather conditions that also have a great impact on our income. We all know this to be true. So what do we do? If collecting money from the government will keep you going then I guess that is your choice. Again, how long will it last?
I have made a decision for myself to start marketing online. This has been a challenge to say the least, but I am so grateful to have this opportunity. I didn’t know how to copy and paste 4 months ago, but as a result of meeting a large number of successful Internet Marketers I now have my own website and I know success is possible, and with their help I will succeed too! I just need to believe in myself and ask questions and be willing to learn.

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