Check List For Aluminum Fence

Check List For Aluminum Fence

Make sure your aluminum fence will be on your property. Check for any easements in your deed. An easement is a right-of-way granted to another property owner or utility company which may limit the design and location of your fence. Confirm the location of underground utilities. Check local zoning laws which may regulate the size and placement of your fence. Check with your neighborhood association before proceeding with your plans. Apply for the proper building permit as directed by local code if needed.

Aluminum fencing comes in panels and posts of varying heights. You can choose a short fence for purely ornamental use or install a taller fence to keep people and animals in or out.

Establish your fence line making sure the aluminum fence is set back from the property line as required by local codes. The concrete footing must extend below the frost line in areas when the ground freezes it can cause the posts to “heave”. The posts themselves do not have to go below the frost line for proper installation. Mix the concrete for the posts holes on the dry side to allow the posts to set faster and to give additional support when installing the aluminum fence section. When you need less than a full section to complete a line of fence cut it to size using a hacksaw. Notch the cut ends of the horizontal rails so they will fit inside the post. Use a factory notch as a guide. All screws in the fence sections and the posts should be installed on the same side. Discuss your plans with any neighbors whose property adjoins your proposed fence line.

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Install a pair of aluminum gate posts first. (If you don’t have any gates, then start with an end or corner post). Do not attache the aluminum gate until the concrete has set. The opening between the aluminum gate posts should equal the size of the gate + or – 2″, dry fit the gate and posts first laying on the ground.

When you need to get a fence around your pool, there are many different types of pool fences that you can choose from. It is important to know about the different types so you can make an informed decision about the best one for your pool.

Knowing the different styles of aluminum fences will help you decide on the right one for your pool fencing project. Here is a link to the different styles of aluminum fence that are available.

Maintenance free and ease of installation are two of many reasons to install an aluminum fence in your pool area. Always check your local building and zoning laws for guidance in deciding on your fence.