Civil Construction Stages

It is always desirable to divide large projects into several civil construction stages which may be constructed independently or on conjunction with each other. For proper progress of civil construction, each stage may be constructed under separate contract. It should be carried out in proper sequence. For this the quantities of work and the duration of civil construction for each stage must be analyzed in advanced. The individual stages should be given time estimates for their execution. The stages for following two typical projects can be listed as below,
Civil construction stages for a highway project:
1. Setting up the plant at the project site,
2. Clearing the site,
3. Earthwork for laying Lennar Homes embankment,
4. Civil construction of drainage structure, e.g., bridges and culverts,
5. Construction of pavement structure and
6. installation of light poles, road signs and signals.
Construction stages of a new water supply scheme
1. Clearing the site,
2. Construction of a suitable dam type,
3. Construction of spillway and controls,
4. Installation of pumping house,
5. Installation of transmission lines and construction of tunnels,
6. Construction of water treatment plant.
Construction operation
To facilitate the job planning, the Large Construction Companies Near Me stages are further divided into several operations. A operation may be defined as a portion of project which may be performed by a classification of labours or a single type of equipment. The various operations needed for the construction of an R.C.C. retaining wall can be listed as below,
1. Excavation by machine,
2. Excavation by manual labour,
3. Erection of form work,
4. Placing of reinforcement,
5. Pouring of concrete and
6. Back filling the earth.

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