Guam Projects Looming on Horizon

A massive undertaking in Guam has construction companies drooling, anticipating the huge contracts that will be available shortly. One major barrier to beginning construction and Guam bid requests is the environmental impact study. Government officials in Guam want to ensure that the aquifer is protected and used wisely. This study is expected to be released sometime in July 2010 hopefully followed by a rash of Guam bid requests and Guam construction jobs opening up.
Military and Civilian
While the purpose of all of these Guam Construction Business Ideas projects is to provide for the moving of nearly 8,000 military personnel from Okinawa Japan the improvements be expected to have far-reaching civilian affects as well. In order to support the military bases, personnel and their families Guam’s infrastructure is going under the knife; it is outdated and nowhere near ready to support what many are calling the largest military facility expansion in US history. New roads, bridges, hospitals, water treatment, utility facilities and even schools are in the plans for Guam construction projects.
Contractors from every phase of the business will be required for Guam construction projects. Electricity, water, gas, home construction, mason work and harbor expansions are just a few of the areas of expertise that will be in high demand for the Guam expansions. Any construction company worth its salt should be keeping a keen eye on Guam bid requests to start coming down the pike as early as the fourth quarter of 2010.
Conclusion House Plans 28X48
Opportunity is knocking for those who will pay attention, Guam construction projects are expected to begin soon and continue until 2014 at least when the military base shift is supposed to occur. Housing for military families and construction workers will be in great demand therefore construction projects will be as well. If your company has a good reputation and all employees are, legal to work you could find an opportunity in the Guam buildup. Watch for Guam bid requests for harbor repairs to come first, quickly followed by roads, utilities, water treatment plants and a variety of other building projects.

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