Virtual Building Sites

Working in the construction business can be very challenging. Not only do you have to handle yourself around a variety of complicated and dangerous machinery, you have to deal with complicated people as well.
Is it any surprise that in the United Kingdom about one third of all worker related deaths occur in the construction industry? Normally you have to go through years of training and make many mistakes in order for you to become competent at the job, but with recent developments in virtual technology, you might not have to. Construction companies in London have begun using a service called Virtual Sites. Virtual Sites is a virtual-reality simulation program of an actual construction site. Currently equipped with two construction projects, a high-rise building and housing estate, it allows for new construction workers to get virtual experience working on buildings.
With this new innovation, the percentage of overall Small House Plans Under 1000 Sq Ft accidents should hopefully lessen. It also opens up a few possibilities. If this technology can be utilized to teach the individual construction workers how to properly perform their jobs, it can also be used to teach managers the proper methods in which to handle complex situations. While it would be beyond the scope of any program to completely simulate real life, Virtual Sites can come close.
In order to bridge the gap, Virtual Sites has employed actors and actually constructed physical environments that will teach Pay Application Construction Template workers, as well as construction managers, how to properly deal with people in the adverse situations. Trainees are confronted with a complex situation in which they will have to use their diplomatic skills in order to cope. They are monitored the entire time by judges who grade their overall performance. The most interesting thing is the effect that virtual reality has on trainees. It has the ability to reveal things about the trainee in a relatively safe environment. If a person is prone to panicking when they are placed in a dangerous situation, the program will bring that to their attention so that they can improve.
By preparing people for what could potentially go wrong, the workers are given an opportunity to avoid disaster. The virtual site’s technology was beta tested in the Netherlands, and the statistics are uplifting. By using this virtual reality technology, the percentage of building related injuries, as well as the percentage of work defects, dropped by a significant amount. Virtual Sites provides for the trainee the ideal opportunity to learn their trade in a completely safe environment. After which they can transport the skills learned directly onto the job.
While this technology is still relatively new, the possible implications are huge. Not only will people not have to put their lives in danger in order to properly perfect their craft, they will be able to learn their trade in a much shorter period of time. By removing a lot of the danger from the learning curve, this technology could potentially create a much more effective and much safer construction worker.

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