Purchase Tips For Residential Aluminum Fence

Purchase Tips For Residential Aluminum Fence

If you’re a home owner with a wooden fence you have probably noticed that they require a lot of maintenance. Either you’re replacing individual pickets or you’re repainting the whole fence because the paint has been weather damaged and is peeling or chipping. This is part of owning a wooden fence and, although they look beautiful once they’re complete, it’s a common thing for long-term home owners to skip this type of fence entirely and opt-in for a longer-lasting material that requires less maintenance; Aluminum.

The only truly difficult thing for an ex-wood fence owner to get used to when installing residential aluminum fence is that, unlike wood, aluminum has absolutely no give. You no longer have the luxury of being able to just manipulate the material if your measurements are incorrect. Aluminum requires you to invest time and attention into the entire planning process, it’s not difficult but does involve a lot a great deal of measuring and double-checking.

Before you start planning your perimeter, look around and find an aluminum fence dealer. Be aware that a lot of dealers offer to ship your product “free of charge”; don’t be fooled. It’s not free of charge. If the dealer insists that it is free of charge, ask for an invoice with and without the shipping calculated. It’s not free. Arrange your own shipping. It’s not difficult, there are plenty of online freight quote websites that can do the job in no-time (and for much less). Also, to really take advantage of the reliability and durability of aluminum, make sure you find a dealer who offers powder coating.

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Once you have found a dealer, make sure you have the exact measurements of each length of fence. Often you’ll find that dealers offer fence sections in 7 or 8 foot lengths. Measure the perimeter of your property, marking each post location with a stake and tying a string between them (to ensure a straight line). You may come to a point where your fence section will be too long, you can either shave your fence sections yourself (if you know how), or talk to your dealer about a modified piece before you place your order.

This is important, pay attention to all of the measurements for your fence; posts, gates, corner posts, and fence sections. Draw it all out and make sure everything makes sense before you ever start installing your residential aluminum fence. Take a little time here will save you a lot later on.