Cash Is Calling – How To Close More Roll-Off Sales When The Market Is Slow

Roll-off sales are the icing on the cake when it comes to your company’s revenue. Whether you are in a franchised market or one where the competition is fierce, these roll-off dollars are somewhat of a surprise. You really can’t know how many people are talking right this very moment about remodeling their kitchen, tearing down an old building or helping mom and dad clean out their home. When those calls come in and begin with, “I need one of those big things”, smile. Cash is calling!

Think like a customer

This may be the first time your customer has ever called about a dumpster. TMI, too much information, will negatively affect your ability to close on the sale. Make a quick assessment of both the project and debris. Direct the customer to one suitable size based on your assessment. When you give too many choices, Overseas Construction Company the customer will become confused and tell you he needs to think about it more. In a franchised area, you don’t want to have the same conversation 2 or 3 times before you close on the sale. That isn’t efficient. In a competitive market, you don’t want to push the potential customer into calling the competition.

When it comes to your pricing, remember that most of the billing disputes with roll-off are regarding extra pulls, extra tonnage or rental fees. Customers tend to respond better to an all-inclusive price. It is easy to understand and they remember that number. If you charge separately for delivery, removal, tonnage and rental, work on a simple explanation. Example: The 20-yard container is $410.00. That includes delivery, removal of the contents and rental for 7-days. Make it simple and easy for the customer to buy from you.

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How to sharpen your salesmanship

Don’t be scared off by someone who begins by saying, “I just want a price”. The customer is just telling you he wants to be in control of the call. That shouldn’t change your game plan to sell the service.

After you provide a size and the pricing, smoothly move right into asking when you can deliver the container. If your customer isn’t ready to set up delivery now, you want to flush out the reason why and have a strategy to overcome the obstacle. When it comes to roll-off, the most common reasons for not buying now are:

1. I need to talk to someone else

2. I don’t have a start date

3. I got a better price from someone else

Overcoming obstacles

I need to talk to someone else- Let your customer know you can make it easy and set up the delivery now. She can call back to change the size or date without any penalty. If the customer still declines, have a game plan to follow-up in a day or two. When you follow-up on unclosed roll-off sales opportunities, you will find that you end up with at least 30 % of those orders. It also demonstrates excellent customer service.

I don’t have a start date- Offer Sub Contract Works to follow-up in a day or two.

I got a better price from someone else- Tell the customer that you really want his business! That comment alone has power. Don’t be afraid to ask the size and pricing your competition has given so you know where you stand. Ask your sales manager to clarify what you can negotiate.

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